Pearl Powder Benefits

Pearl powder is finely ground powder from pearls. It has been used for thousands of years as a beauty and anti aging secret by royalty in many parts of the world. Even Cleopatra was believed to have used pearl powder as one of her beauty secrets.

But as prized as pearl is for outer beauty, it is the effect that it has on the inside of our bodies that may be the most important.

Pearl is made up of a variety of compounds that help build our cells, repair our tissues, promote peacefulness, and slow the aging process. It includes substances such as calcium, amino acids, proteins, trace minerals and polysaccharides.


In 2004, researchers discovered that the DNA used to create the pearl is almost the same as human DNA that is responsible for regulating calcium in our bodies. Because of the similarity in structure, researchers believe that the calcium in pearl powder may be able to be absorbed more easily than other calcium.

Signal Proteins

One of the most potent anti aging features of pearl is the signal proteins that it contains. Signal proteins, when in the human body, act as messengers and send out signals for our body to create new cells. Signal protein can create fresher skin, strengthen our organs and stimulate new bone growth by stimulating these new cells. It is also known for improving eyesight.

Animal studies have shown that this supplement can extend lifespans, build bone, strengthen muscle tone, enhance eyesight and strengthen the heart. Because it stimulates the regeneration of connective tissue, including muscles, tendons and ligaments, it can help athletes recover more quickly after workouts.

Beauty Benefits

Pearl has been prized by royalty in China and Egypt for many years. It is believed to enhance the skin and keep it youthful. This is likely due to its ability to stimulate new skin cells, speed healing and address sun damage. It also contains SOD (superoxide dismutase), a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals. It is known to keep skin clear, elastic and smooth with a radiant glow.

It is also known to remove blotches, acne, acne scarring, dry patches, rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles, and for reducing enlarged pores.

Pearl has been found to stimulate fibroblasts that help build connective tissue and collagen. Since our skin has an abundance of collagen, rebuilding collagen can have a major impact on the health and radiance of our skin. Starting at age 25, our collagen levels begin to decline. By age 40 we have stopped creating new collagen. By stimulating new collagen, fine lines and wrinkles can be smoothed. Our hair and nails can be strengthened. Finding a substance that will begin that process again, can transform our skin and our bodies.


Taking pearl supplements orally is the easiest way to get the benefits of pearl powder. In addition, pearl powder can be used topically as part of a skin cream. While skin creams can be purchased that contain the powder, it is easy to take the powder from pearl supplements and mix it into any skin cream for an added topical benefit.

It is important to purchase the powder from a reputable retailer, though, as there are more inexpensive imitation powders on the market that contain very little actual pearl powder.

Jing is a company that has a good reputation. They use the highest grade, most effective tonic herbal products in the world, instead of commodity herbs. I have found their products to be very effective. Since taking this supplement, there has been a dramatic change in my skin.

Learn more about Jing's pearl supplement.

The Dragon Herb Company also makes a good pearl product as well.

It may take up to 3 months to see the full benefits of the supplement!

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